The outbreak of Coronavirus-19 see the NHS stretched to their limit. Earlier this year, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (CROG) told the BBC patients were “consistently deprioritised and overlooked”.
Whilst the NHS is making progress on dealing with the backlog of Coronavirus-19, for those suffering from chronic, deteriorating conditions like endometriosis, waiting times are still not up to scratch and now more than ever, demand for charities is spiralling, as treatment waiting times sore by almost 60% leaving women like Lisa in turmoil.
“When Covid-19 hit we were left in limbo even more than we already are. Being able to approach a charity and then been given so much helpful information has been lifesaving.”
Quote by Lisa Besbrode – Endometriosis sufferer.
Not only that, with a combination of spikes in the wholesale price of fuel and Brexit-related disruptions triggering an increase in prices of goods and groceries, but the UK’s cost of living crisis has also gone from bad to worse.
Money and Mental Health
The Money and Mental Health analysis carried out earlier this year based on the new nationally representative YouGov polling looked at how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting the financial and mental wellbeing of people across the UK.
The study revealed 59% of adults said the cost-of-living crisis has had a negative impact on their mental health, while 61% are using less gas and electric at home, and 46% said they have to cut back on spending. The survey also revealed 1 in 5 (21%) were unable to cope. If reflected nationally, this amounts to 11m people across the country.
Martin Lewis, Chair and Founder of the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute commented on these results describing feelings of anxieties having said he felt terrified the UK are on the edge of a national mental health crisis.
But what does this mean for your charity?

The charity sector is facing a crisis of its own. From community groups to food banks, mental health services and support charities and even some of the largest organisations, demand for this sector is spiralling.
Established over 17 years ago, Core Telecom is one of the largest independent telecommunications network operators who have the flexibility to meet the needs of any sized businesses. From mobile operators through to large enterprises, charities, resellers and service providers, Core Telecom works closely with all their clients helping them increase revenues and operate to the best of their ability.
Here’s how Core Telecom are helping charities, not-for-profits and governing bodies tackle this crisis.
Core Telecom’s new initiative Core for Non-Profits is offering charities, not-for-profits and governing bodies a free 03-telephone number service along with 11 fantastic features FREE of charge!
Financial difficulty causes stress and anxiety which is why Core for Non-Profits are at the forefront, helping charities survive. With the cost of living on the rise and the demand for charity groups spiralling, it is Core for Non-Profits initiative to help charities and develop long working relationships and eventually offer into the other Core portfolio of products, like SMS and Apps.
So, what’s the catch? There isn’t one.
Core Telecom can sustain this at no loss due to it being its own network and how the billing between each network and BT works. Truthfully, most other networks could offer the same service for free, but they choose to charge when they’re already making a margin.
What are you waiting for? Get in touch today to claim yor FREE 03-telephone number.
Get in touch today to claim your FREE 03 telephone number. Contact us by emailing [email protected] or call us on 0330 111 0525
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